T.Narendra Rao,
General Secretary,
Water Transport Workers Federation of India,
55/26.Moore Street,
Chennai-600 001, Phone/Fax: 044-2526 6794.
Dated: 04.01.2010.
Dear Comrades,
First of all, I would like to convey my happy New Year greetings to you all.
All the Five Federation leaders reached New Delhi on 1st January 2010. We attended the conciliation meeting convened by the Chief Labour Commissioner (C) at 02.30 p.m.
He requested us to find out a formula in between the proposal of the IPA and Ours. That is, the IPA was suggesting that we should accept the arrear amount from 1.1.2009. But we were demanding all the allowances from 1.1.2007. So consensus was not arrived.
Hence it was advised by the CLC that the BWNC must be convened by 4th January 2010, or otherwise the federation will resort the indefinite strike from 4th midnight.
So we, all the federation leaders stayed at the IPA Guest House.
Today that is on 4th January 2010 at 11 a.m. the BWNC meeting was convened. Again all the eleven issues which were in the annexure of the Strike Notice, was taken for discussion.
Except the issue of payment of area amount, all the other ten items were discussed and a consensus was arrived, whereas no conclusion was arrived on the arrear amount to be paid form 1.1.2007 for HRA, Port City allowance, Transport reimbursement, washing allowance, and Night Weightage allowance etc..
When the meeting was going on debating on these issues, the CLC came to participate in the BWNC meeting at 1.30 p.m. and he said that if no consensus is arrived here, the Secretary (Shipping) has requested him to bring the entire team of BWNC to his Chamber at 2 p.m. for arriving a conclusion.
Accordingly all the federation leaders and the Port Chairmen representing the IPA went to his Chamber at 2 p.m.
At the conference hall the meeting was held. The Secretary (S) first proposed that the federation should agree the IPA proposal. All the leaders unanimously disagreed, and explained the reason for our genuine demand. Finally the Secretary (s) suggested that the HRA alone would be paid with effect from 1.1.2007, and all other allowances would be paid with effect from 1.1.2008.
Again, the General Secretaries of the Five Federations alone went to meet the Secretary at his room and requested that other allowances are also very small part of arrear amount to be paid, and very purpose of Minister’s offer of 23% fitment would be defeated if it is denied.
At last he agreed for that also, provided he requested the federation leaders to co-operate with the Port managements to increase the productivity.
After thanking the Secretary and all the Port Chairmen, the five federations’ leaders happily left his room and conveyed this message to all the Port workers of the eleven major ports and announced there itself withdrawing the proposed strike call given which could have been commenced from midnight of 4th January 2010.
The Draft copy of the full and final settlement would be prepared within a day or two then for signing the agreement we would be once again called by the Chief Labour Commissioner to New Delhi.
From the date of signing the settlement, every effort would be taken to pay arrear amount within 60 days.
This is really happy news for all the Port & Dock employees for this New Year, and Pongal (Sankaranti) festival. Celebrate with cheers. Do not hesitate to build up the Trade Union activities in the Ports. Try to strengthen your Trade Unions and their unity. Because without the Unity of the five federations this success could not be possible.
We once again thank one and all for supporting us during the period of struggle and whenever a call was given from federations.
Last, but not least do not hesitate to donate liberally to the unions/federations to which you are all attached.
Thanking you all,
With regards.
T.Narendra Rao,
04.01.2010. at 20.00 Hrs
Camp: at New Delhi.
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